Thursday, May 27, 2010

President Obama - Memorial Day ---- What are your thoughts ...........

Memorial Day is Monday, May 31st, and rather than attending the ceremony held every year at Arlington National Cemetery, President Obama will be skipping it, and vacationing with his family in Chicago instead.

President Barack Obama plans to spend a long holiday weekend in Chicago.

The White House says Obama and his family will travel to their hometown on Thursday and stay through the weekend. It will be their first trip back home since a visit for Valentine’s Day weekend in February 2009.

On Monday, Obama is scheduled to participate in a Memorial Day ceremony at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood, Ill.

In Obama’s absence, Vice President Joe Biden will participate in the customary wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington.  - link to the cemetary  - history on Memorial Day in USA

My Personal Thoughts .....

Tradition is a valued honor. It's just the start of many things to come in changes in society. Yes a promise made shouldn't be broken, but how many of those individuals would of understood waiting another week or day even month in honor of the tradition of the president laying the wreath on the unknown soilder and giving his speach in honor of the men and women that have given their lives so he can stand in the position he is is on the most sacred ground there is. I look back over the years at family traditions even traditions for the country that have been broken and changed and not always sure there is alot of good in them. Traditions is the foundation of many things and when you take that away soon things begin to crumble and a new is born in it's place. The honor of our men and women who died fighting for our freedom - for his freedom .... is this truely a tradition we which to break?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

ooooooooooooo oooooooooo new grand son pics are in ... sept 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Grandbabies are getting older

Well august xane turned two and october melody turned 7 she is in first grade now like wowwwwwwwww and i am soooooo proud of her she is on the A honor roll! Xane said grandma when they were here to visit then once he learned grandma it was grandma look grandma look grandma look grandma look grandma look grandma look so not sure this is a good thing lol. I love my babies!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Saturday, October 17, 2009

New Adventures

Wellll they keep telling me i am good at the web and graphic thing and i should go out and do it for a thing like job and all and get paid instead of all the free things so I have decided what the heck sense i am looking for a part time job and can't find one suitable i thought what is there to lose not like it will cost me anything ... the name of the business cam up with is ms Absolute Designs ... even have a logo made alread lol, and the web page below is a start all the items and design are mine so you can see a litlle what i can do ... i haven't worked on it a whole lot the last few weeks but plan to focus on it next week and get it off the ground soon.  Sooo hope it all works :)   ---- the first site i did and got paid for

I am a great auntie now *s*

Wow soooo sooo much life happens so fast i actually have became a great auntie *giggles* the first born of the greats a bouncing baby girl making my brother now also a grandpa ... well no actually 4th to be born as a great but the other 3 are my grandbabies so i don't get that auntie roll .... every time i think of being a aunt i have to chuckle i am reminded of when i was pregnant with my daughter tiffany and she was kicking up a strom ... i had commented to it was going to be a boy for it was playing foot ball in my tummy. Welllllll like my brother --- (and they say women are airheads) well he perks up all excited ... "oh goody i am going to be a uncle"  I looked at him laughing and asked ... and if it is a girl what will you be *giggles* lifes dumber and embarassing moments.

isn't she adorable !!!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kim Anderson

When deciding to design the grapics for the site/blog I wasn't sure what way to go but decided Kim Anderson was the best of all.  I love his works and find an innocences about it that is like no other.  If you would like to see more of his works there is a link off to the side under links that shows alot of his works.  I hope you enjoy his photogaphy as much as I do.  And yes I chose the girls and purples *giggles* I am a girl after all.  Below is a little info on Kim Anderson.

Kim Anderson artwork- black and white film touched with subtle bursts of color that heighten the sense of childhoods gone by.

He is an European photographer.  Kim Anderson set the world on fire with his timeless and nostalgic photographs of young children in oversized adult clothing. For the past 10 years he has worked exclusively for Verkerke Publishing of Holland, producing popular posters, cards and more. Kim's romantic, evocative photographs have universal appeal, and have won legions of fans worldwide. He is the proud father of 2 children, and his 7 year-old daughter is both his inspiration and one of his top models.

Kim Anderson - As a world famous photographer, Kim Anderson captures children on film as no one else can. Identifying a special moment and freezing it in time is what he does best. His body of work is best known for the hand colored photographs of young children in unexpected situations or quiet moments. These photos evoke romance and emotion with a universal appeal around the world.

Hopes and Dreams

Hope in such a desolation.
Dreams crushed swiftly,
Left to stand alone;
All hope and dreams
Washed away
In one simple rage.

A tear drop falls
Unknown why,
For now ...
There can't be found
Any hope of dreams
To stand by.

Anguish now fills
The once tender heart
That stood strong,
A soul now empty
With nothing but
despair to live for.

Wait, what is that ...
In the distance,
the sound of laughter
A glimps of a smile.
Is it there still?
Hope and dreams is somewhere?

Could it be true...
How Can this be?
What are these things?
Some call them friends.
They are starting to rally around
Drawing nearer to ones side.

All gathering around
Not allowing the gloom
To consume one fully
Never do friends
Allow others to feel left alone
In the darkness of doom.

Standing by one side
Bringing back
Hope and dreams
The smiles
The laughter
That keeps us alive.



to all my friends that are always by my side with big hugs and to the new ones i am yet to meet and grow with.

shelly 2006

Daddy's Touch

A touch of daddy's eye
That makes a little girl cry,
A touch of daddy's hand
That only makes you want to stand,
A touch of daddy's voice
That does not rejoice,
A touch of innocence
That does not yet exist,

They say that this is love
So what happen to things like this,

A touch of daddy's eye
That lights up the sky
A touch of daddy's hand
That helps you stand
Touch of daddy's voice
That only rejoices,
A touch of innocence
That is always in existence

Michelle Schweiss ©74
Writen to friends/family ... a testimony so to speak on the strugles of stopping smoking ... put it here incase others are going through it

Well not sure why I am compelled to do this, I have thought about doing it a few days, it’s sorta ramblings sorta a note to pass if you like at a time you know someone else that may be quitting smoking so they may know they are not alone. I know sorta silly and all. I kinda chose to send this to those who have touched me in my life. If nothing else it will make great material to fall asleep to *giggles*

A longgggg time ago lol like 27 years ago I got pregnant. I say this for a reason and it’s not to let ya all know how old I am. Young and a wild child I was back then into all sorta stuff, drinking and parties and illegal drugs and all. The moment I found out that I was pregnant that all stopped and I haven’t ever looked back. Those things the pot, the acid, speed and all – illegal for they are mind altering, harmful and addictive. Our Lord made a way for it to be possible to stop and gave me the strength. That leads me to the reason I bring it up. Cigarettes .. legal in this society. Don’t let anyone fool you they are mind altering ..l. why else would you pick one up when stressed … harmful oh yes in more ways then some of the illegal items. Oh and very addictive. I actually find them the most addictive thing there is out there yet they are legal. And na not a complain to make them illegal or to legalize the drugs. Just a comparisons that amazes me and it never understand why they are not illegal too.

I have smoked since I was 10 years old … this year I turn 48. That is a long time. I stopped once when I was 19 for 6 months, and again later in life. Was for near 3 years. In that time I was so active was going to the Temple and church and the singles group. It seems like I let the Temple card expire and about 6 months later was smoking again. Now I find that I want to stop for my health more then anything. I am not that old and there is a lot of time left if I live right and through the grace of our Lord … a future of grandchildren and even great grandchildren that I could be here for and enjoy and cherish. I have been working on quitting off and on probably a year but always putting it off up to this last month or so. And oh gosh I don’t recall it being this hard last time.

My emotions are so rapid I am withdrawn more then normal. I go from crying my eyes out over nothing and no clue why to anger and frustration and yes even just wanting to die. I pray for strength to our Savior to help me make it through. I do know some of this is because I am bi-polar, clinically depressed and social anxiety but the level seems to increase and it’s so rapid I never know where I will be sitting on the emotions when I am not smoking. The first day is easy then the withdrawal sets in and it all starts. If I am lucky I can sleep through it but sometimes it’s just laying there tossing and turning and feeling sorry for self and then feeling stupid because I do. The anger and frustration seems to be what hits first. And the oooo I am desperate for a smoke.

The longest I have made it so far is 4 days. I have learned that it’s not just the addiction that is a problem but the habit. So you need to work on changing the habit too. One of the things a smoker does is avoid groups that don’t smoke. I will use church as an example … knowing the word of wisdom is there for your benefit and health to follow. Also knowing that smoking is something you really can’t hide, the smell will give you away. It’s everywhere on you and is noticeable. I try to remember something a very smart man said to me once. He was a former Stake President. Verbatim I can’t to it’s been a long time since I heard it and you know age thing .. we forget. But basically it was the sweetest smell in church was that of a cigarette. To see them in church even though the smoked was brave and a good thing. I try hard to remember this and know we each have our own battles just not all our as visible. There is always the fear of being judged and shunned and all … this has never happened so not sure why that fear is there. Really it’s the opposite people have always been supportive so it is silly. The advisory does like to work on us.

I have a long way to go but I am hard headed and determine. I can do this though support of friends and family, pray and the strength our Lord will give me. It makes me angry that something like a cigarette has so much control over my life. I won’t give up trying and may fail several times before succeeding. Hopefully I will learn something each time to bring me closer to success. I guess in a way I really don’t fail unless I give up trying. We can do all with pray and our Lord

Some of you I know have never smoked and it’s hard I know to understand the addiction. Others have just set them aside and never touched them again. I wish I fell in one of these categories but unfortunately not and I guess all I can do is though one may not understand the addiction that they be supportive when I am in need. No mater what we all have issues we face and need support with. We pray for the help and strength to make it through the bad habit.

Well that is my ramblings I will stop boring you for now and feel free to pass it to another who may need a little something to read. Maybe it will help them and they will at the least see they are not alone in their struggle. Remember faith on our Savior that he died for our sins so that we can be forgiven, forgive yourself, pray pray pray and have faith in our God that he is there for us feel him thought the holy Ghost that touches our hearts when we open them up.

Tears of the Innocent

Tears of the Innocent

A tear of sweet innocence traveling far away in the night,
A dream of fears and danger that grows closer in site,
A dream of thunder and lightning roaring though out the sky,
As the dream of a sweet innocent child passes by.

A touch of love and happiness
A gift of love not yet known,
A child's lost innocence that was only taken away
As the stars above whisper in silence of a story untold.

A tear of pain and sorrow that desires to be held,
A tear of a fallen heart that has not yet yelled,
A tear no one seams to hear
As the silence goes on in fear.


Michelle Schweiss ©94



This poem was writen from two views ... one of a child that experinces the silence of abuse and another form the eyes of the foster children placed in care.

The Beast Within

In the darkness of the soul
in the deepest corners
lies a creature waiting to escape.

The furry that frightens us all
Living deep within
laying doormat, patiently
awaiting the moment to be set free.

The sins of the past and future
lie deep in its hands
as it struggles to destroy you.
Chipping away the walls
that were built to protect you.

Brick by brick
they come crumbling down,
leaving you bare
with nothing to hide
and no where to go,
all alone
on the road to destruction.

Never knowing
when the pain will end
nor which way to turn
or what tomorrow will bring.
Only seeing
the darkness of the past.

The redness of it all that
runs before your eyes
as it seems to become
so distant,
so faint.

The pain dripping
drop by drop
into the cup of life
as it over flows
with red sorrows
that keep you alive.
Never understanding

the tears that will be shed.
Never seeing the broken hearts
of those who know you so well
and love you threw the deepest sins
Never looking to see that someone cares
and those you are leaving behind.

You thought you had nothing
we are all better off without you here.
You thought that you were all alone
With all your fears.

We all stand in front of you today
wondering where we failed
and what we did wrong,
it wasn't in any song.
Only wishing we had the chance
to say good bye.

Its to late now to hold your hand
or for you to make us understand.
We only have the memories
of you in our dreams,
the sadness in our hearts,
and the guilt in our minds.
What should we of done for you.

All that's left is the memory
Of the smile in your eyes,
the warmth in your heart,
and the joy they gave me.
Only one regret.
I will never be able to tell you
How much I care
I waited until it was to late..

(c) Michelle Schweiss 99

This poem is sorta writen strange form two side of things....most know i am bi-polar and part of that is the lows that i face and i can and do get suicidal so it speaks from that side of me ... then i have had someone close to me kill theirself so it also speaks from that side.  This was one of my daughters favorite poems

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Lost Child - writen for Amanda, a foster child of mine

This poem was writen for a very dear foster child i cared for.  She was a darling and loved her so much was hard when i had to let her go.

The Lost Child

An open meadow fills with children
On a bright sunny day.
The air fills with laughter and essence of flowers
As they begin to play.
So innocent and pure,
not knowing the danger that is near.
As the flowers are picked
the sweet essence begins to vanish
leaving a bare field only for our children to play.
The laughter stills remains
so the danger appears to be distant,
awaiting to pick our children from the field,
like the flowers whose essence once filled the air.
The force coming in many shapes and sizes,
it may be a friend or a foe or just someone in need.
No one seems to know, or is it, we are afraid to see
the dark and evil force approaching our children
as the dires are heard all around.
The innocence soon swept away
Taking them to be it's own,
Never allowing the child to grow,
killing them with its touch, taking them,
in a way that was only meant for a bride.
Now the innocence of the child is lost
deep in the darkness, the chill of the night,
a life, stolen from within,
as though it did not belong to them.
Was this their sin?
A child lost deep within.
So many eager to the judge
for their behavior and ways.
What appears to be
the "disturbed child" of these days
in many ways is simply a lost soul in need
for the chance that was taken form them
or maybe just .... just maybe
could it be all they need
is a little faith and understanding
or simply hug from you or me.

Michelle Schweiss ©96

Heaven or Hell

There are many paths that we all take in life. There are choices we make along the way – some we have little control over for the Lord has plans for us that we are not so clear on at times. It is faith that keeps us going – to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ with out fear is hard for a mere mortal to do. A testimony of what some may see as a broken heart is one many find sad and they feel sorry for. But there is no reason to, it is only though a broken heart that one can truly see the Lord and his blessings. A Poem I once wrote talks of the choices that we have to make here on earth, that so often we focus on the negative when our hearts should not be burden with such sorrows and allow the trust in the Lord to take care of all.
Heaven or Hell
Heaven or Hell
which is the place to be.
death brings to us all
one of two places
where we spend eternity.

In your day to day life
this is also true,
for there is only two places
that come into view.
Heaven or hell
which one do you want to see,
even on earth you cant be free.

Sometimes we have no choice
on the path we take,
it is chosen for our own sake.
The heavens from above
brings happiness to our hearts,
the hell from below
keeps on tearing us apart.

The touch of the sun
is like the heavens above,
the warmth of its glow
as it brings us love.
Or is like
the fire from the hell below,
that scorches us even more
as we go.

Don't stop and ask
what hell you will be in today,
only pray that heaven will take it away.

1996 Michelle Schweiss


Who Am I?

A tear of the unknown gently caressing my cheek
As the fear of being alone approaches slowly.
A door that opens as I have to leave.
Now where am I to go,
Which way do I turn,
And who am I to be.
Under one roof safe and secure, all these years.
I knew it was only a matter of time,
before you would say it is time to say goodbye.
I will stand strong, I don't need anyone by my side.
No, I don't even want your sympathy.
You will see it doesn't hurt to say good bye.
I will hurt you before you hurt me.
I will push you aside.
Now that I have you convinced
And you truly see I don't need you by my side,
I can leave you before you leave me.
One simple step is all it takes
Out this door that awaits.
I have fooled you, so no pain, worries or regrets,
We just go our separate ways as if we never met
Only one problem now I can see,
I can't fool myself into believing
I won't miss you
I won't be scared
I won't be alone
But I know you have to leave me.
So now where am I to go
Which way am I to turn
And who am I to be?

Michelle Schweiss


A bit about the writter - I was removed from my home and placed in a foster home where I spent my teens, the only problem was when I was 18 I had to leave. Like any other teen I was so relieved to get out on my  
own and not have to listen to these folks anymore, but I was also scared and felt I was going to be replaced by the next child that came in. I had no where to go. Their duties were over they had no responsibilities to me. It hurt bad, and I wasn't sure what way to turn. I now know something I wish I could of seen several years back, My foster Parents Loved me and will always be there for me. You have parents that bring you into this world and then you have parents the guide you in life and they are very important as you get older, and will always be there for you. When one grows up with so much pain it is hard to say I love you and even harder to say I need you. This Poem is how I felt when I was leaving and I am sure now I am not alone in that feeling. Most important I know now that I am not alone and My fosterparents do love me and will be there if I need. And I wasn't replaced, love is funny there is always room for more with out giving up what you already have.

My Father - writen for my daughter

I look around me in sadness and tears
Seeing all my friends celebrating
The wonderful joys their father brings.
My heart heavy in sadness
Feeling as a outcast
Wishing I had that great gift
A father - how special they are
Why can't there be one that loves me.

But wait at last I look up and see
Can it be - I have a Father
How could I of been so blind
I didn't see
He has always been there for me.
He is the strongest and the wisest
No other compare
He is my father for Eternity.

My Father guides me
Allowing me to have free choice.
His words at times harsh
But always full of love
He teaches me right from wrong
There is no room for my way with Him
He has etched in stone His desires
So we will not spend eternity alone.

His love so strong
Giving the greatest gift of all
The sacrifice of His son
So that I may be with Him forever
He gave to me on this earth a loving mother
The scriptures so they may guide me
The Holy Ghost so I can feel His love
And the gifts of the sprit so I know His truths.

A frown now replaced with a smile
Tears of sadness now tears of joy
To know that I have such a loving Father
That will always be there for me
His arms wrapped strongly around me
As I walk in His waysLearning to be more like Him
So we can again meet in eternity.

shelly to Tiffany with love

** Friendships **

FriendshipsYou have asked me how to win a friend today,
and how to know if they will even stay.
Friendships sometimes can be far and few,
never under standing each other when they are new.
Learning each other as they grow.

What I have to say is simple and true,
allow friendships to come to you.
Sit and listen,
look and watch,
you will soon see
a friend of yours I wish to be.

Friendships have no golden rules,
just be yourselfso they know you are true.
Look around and you will find
someone who cares, it's only a matter of time.

I know this which I speak
You see, I am the friend you seek.
I feel your pain, your tears of sorrow
And the happiness
which sometimes we have to borrow.

You bring me laughter, and tears of joy,
and the gift of friendship I so enjoy.
I can only hope that you will always see,
how important your friendship is to me.

~~~~ shelly ~~~~

~ The Gift Of A Poet ~

Words so simple and true
so harmless
so giving
so caring
shared with others
baring the inner thoughts.
Touching the hearts of many
bringing tears and joys,
happiness and sorrows.
Words apart meaning nothing,
now joined together on a tattered piece of paper.
Bringing hope to some,
the knowledge that someone else understands to others,
or simply a brief moment to smile
The gift of the poet is one of the heart and soul


- shelly - 98


Triple A Insurance

Be Aware that it will try to keep us down, Aware it will try to control our thoughts and cause us to frown. We must heighten our Awareness or it will catch us off guard Becoming Aware of negative thoughts is nothing to brush off.

Open your eyes and mind becoming Aware Of the many should and should have's and never and always; The what ifs and let's not forget the nobody and the everybody Or the horrible and the awfuls to say the least.

They all would like us to believe they are our friends Their deepest desire is for us to be less Aware of them As they slither and slide deep into our mind, Afraid we will find the Answers that are lying on the side.

The ability to turn the Awareness into an Answer scares them the most. Filling ourselves with more realistic thoughts and phases and a bit of hope. Remembering we can't always do everything right, While also remembering we can't always do everything wrong.

So the Answers are somewhere in-between waiting to be seen. Time and practice is what it will take to become Aware Change the Answers to more realistic thoughts, To fight back and take control of our feelings once more.

Now that you are armed it is time to Act Don't just place lip service to your Awareness and Answers Find a way to Act upon them to strengthen you stand Now you are fully insured you have Triple A.

You have become Aware, Answered and Acted upon Giving those negative thoughts no room to grow Replacing them with realistic views.

May 2004

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mystic Child - Author Unknown

Mystic Child
She was born in a world she didn’t belong.
She was born under signs that was not her
Mystic Child
Growing up trying to fit in.
Trying to find a place she didn’t belong
Many tears have been shed
Why she asks am I here if I do not belong?

Mystic Child
You are here not to fit in,
but to learn and grow and discover who you are.
Your purpose is not to be served but to serve.
To serve the Lady and Lord by serving humanity.
But you must know who you are and stop trying to fit in.

Mystic Child
Child of wonder. Child of the stars
Child of light Child of Aset.
Mystic Child you have come so far
Do not give up cause things get hard.

Mystic Child like a flower
You will bloom
In time to come you will understand
Mystic Child listen to your heart

A poem of Mother Nature - Author Unknown

Awake Awake Awake
Let My soul awke
With a New Dawn
Aset Aset Aset
From the Dew of the morning
You appear
With the midst as Your feet
With the Winds I am embraced
Kissed by Your rains
Let Aset be praised

I stand before You as I am
With arms outstretched
Seeing myself with the colores
of My Great Mother
I breathe in Her breath
and I release Her breath
I close my eyes
I breathe Her breath in again
I slowly release
I am in Her presence
Her presence is in me
I listen to Her heartbeat
In the silnce of the moment
I quiet my soul
Feel Her energy
Feel Her love
Embrace Her
She will embrace you
Mother of Life
Crone of Death
She walks with us
through it all
Blessed Be

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Words To Live By

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful
beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most
frightens us.
We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant,

Gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.

There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won’t feel insecure
around you.

We were born to make manifest
The Glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people

Permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,

Our presence automatically liberates others.”

~ Nelson Mandela, 1994 Inaugural Speech